Saturday, 5 April 2014

PDF⋙ Old Flames and Heroes by Mord McGhee

Old Flames and Heroes by Mord McGhee

Old Flames and Heroes

Old Flames and Heroes by Mord McGhee PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

It was the sort of magic that follows Oliver around. Other schools have famous kids but Belroy Elementary in Bentwood has a true hero. Besides saving a firehouse mascot, he sees monsters. His dad, sister, and friends don't believe him but they play along. Oliver is, after all, an eleven year old boy and has a vivid imagination. When he told Dad that he noticed a new little blue sun in the sky, Oliver's imagination became too vivid. Dad was worried with good reason. Two years ago, the sighting of a blue sun led to tragic news. Join Dad and Oliver as they search for answers, family healing, and so much more! A delightful tale of luck, love and lake monsters set in our own magical North American world. Raise the sails and don your eye patches, as we discover that the Great Lakes are swarming with pirates, boogeymen, and a whole host of fantastic things! OLD FLAMES AND HEROES is a new contemporary fantasy novel from Global eBook Award-winning author Mord McGhee. The whole family will enjoy this swashbuckling tale of love, luck, and lake monsters. It's an American fantasy that bridges the gap between children, young adults, and adults alike. Pirates, lake monsters, love, luck, and rich regions that we as Americans know and love. From Niagara Falls to Middlebury... from Pittsburgh to Erie. OLD FLAMES AND HEROES is a fantastic journey that explores the world we know, blending magic and reality without boundary. "We measure a celebration, beginning anywhere. This one seems as good as any other. If you are a Fortean, don't know you are or want to be one, take delight today in a new uniquely intellectual American book by Mord McGhee." Loren Coleman World Famous Cryptozoologist and Director of the International Cryptozoology Museum

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