Friday, 8 August 2014

PDF⋙ Once Upon a Highland Legend by Tanya Anne Crosby

Once Upon a Highland Legend by Tanya Anne Crosby

Once Upon a Highland Legend

Once Upon a Highland Legend by Tanya Anne Crosby PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A Scottish time-travel Highland romance In the year 2014 Annie Ross has gone through her entire life a bit lost. She's about to find herself misplaced in time as well--all the way back to 878 A.D.--where she must take her place as a guardian of the Destiny Stone, and then find a way to restore the faith of a powerful Highland chieftain. Will she win Callum's heart as well? Tanya Anne Crosby returns to the origin of the legend itself--to a time when magic was a force and the Picts were on the brink of vanishing from the Highland tapestry.

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