Humanistic Psychotherapies: Handbook of Research and Practice
Humanistic Psychotherapies: Handbook of Research and Practice PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A compendium of research and practice techniques in the field of humanistic psychotherapies. In addition to the editors' comprehensive overview of the history, defining characteristics and evolution of humanistic psychotherapies, the contributors illustrate significant research results in the last decades and document the effectiveness of major humanistic therapeutic approaches, including client-centred, Gestalt, existential and experiential. The research presented shows these approaches to be equivalent and, in many cases, superior to others in treating a wide range of psychopathology. Contributors also offer guidelines for practice and introduce innovative methods for working with an increasingly difficult, diverse and complex range of individuals, couples, families and groups. There are chapters focusing on empirical evidence from humanistic psychotherapeutic practice that demonstrate the importance of the psychotherapeutic relationship and therapist empathy in effecting successful client outcome. Also stressed is the effectiveness of humanistic psychotherapies in establishing methods for working with client emotion and enabling patients with severe disabilities such as schizophrenia to progress in their development and functioning.From reader reviews:
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