Tuesday, 1 September 2015

PDF⋙ bite size reads: slightly twisted, deliciously dark, really short stories for people with very little time or very short attention spans by R. B. Frank

bite size reads: slightly twisted, deliciously dark, really short stories for people with very little time or very short attention spans by R. B. Frank

bite size reads: slightly twisted, deliciously dark, really short stories for people with very little time or very short attention spans

bite size reads: slightly twisted, deliciously dark, really short stories for people with very little time or very short attention spans by R. B. Frank PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Sometimes what you read depends on how much time you have. "...terrifyingly AWESOME." "This seems like something Stephen King would write." "...kept me on the edge of my seat."

Bite Size Reads is a collection of 23 short stories of murder, revenge, time travel and creepy things, all flavor enhanced with a dash of irony and a sprinkling of humor. The cool thing is, the stories are grouped by an Average Read Time and all are 15 minutes or less.

There’s something for everyone and every time of day. So get off social media and delve into alternate worlds, well-deserved revenge, and twists of fate. All in 15 minutes or less.

Because a good read can happen one bite at a time.

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Read bite size reads: slightly twisted, deliciously dark, really short stories for people with very little time or very short attention spans by R. B. Frank for online ebook

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