Sport, Physical Activity and the Law by Neil J. Dougherty
Sport, Physical Activity and the Law by Neil J. Dougherty PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
How does a successful, caring and committed coach land in a court-room, facing charges of negligence and responsibility for the debilitating injuries suffered by one of her star athletes? This book examines this ever-increasing occurence in the field of nonprofessional sport and physical activity. The authors show sport administrators and coaches how to prevent legal problems through knowledge of law as it applies to sport and physical activity. The book is designed specifically as a textbook for sport law classes. Each chapter includes a list of learning objectives, an index of key terms, a summary of the concepts presented, review questions and suggested references. The case studies, based on actual situations are found throughout the book. They illustrate in clear language how the legal concepts discussed in each chapter are applied in the real world. At the end of each part is a section entitled "Canadian Applications". This has been contributed by Hilary A. Findlay, an attorney practicing in Edmonton Alberta, who also lectures on sport and the law at the University of Alberta, Canada.From reader reviews:
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