Wednesday 9 March 2016

PDF⋙ Clear by Fire: A Search and Destroy Thriller by Joshua Hood

Clear by Fire: A Search and Destroy Thriller by Joshua Hood

Clear by Fire: A Search and Destroy Thriller

Clear by Fire: A Search and Destroy Thriller by Joshua Hood PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Inspired by the experiences of a decorated combat veteran and a former member of the 82nd Airborne Division, Clear by Fire is a blistering debut military thriller about an American hero who, in order to clear his name, must take down a team of black ops soldiers that have gone murderously rogue.

Mason Kane was once a loyal American soldier and a proud member of the elite, off-the-books Anvil Program—a group of black ops soldiers who wage war from the shadows. But all that changed when his commander, as a part of a twisted scheme to force America’s continued involvement in the Middle East, ordered an innocent Afghan family murdered. Refusing the direct order, Mason now finds himself on the run, hunted by his former comrades and labeled a terrorist by the country he faithfully served. Relying only on his survival skills and the help of Special Operations agent Renee Hart, Mason must embark on his gravest mission yet: unraveling a conspiracy that reaches all way to the President’s inner circle, and stopping the world’s most dangerous soldiers from completing their treacherous plan.

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