Tuesday 22 March 2016

PDF⋙ Crocodile Crossing - An Amazing Animal Adventures Book (with poster) by Schuyler Bull

Crocodile Crossing - An Amazing Animal Adventures Book (with poster) by Schuyler Bull

Crocodile Crossing - An Amazing Animal Adventures Book (with poster)

Crocodile Crossing - An Amazing Animal Adventures Book (with poster) by Schuyler Bull PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

During the dry season in southern Africa, a mother crocodile must lead her tiny hatchlings to the Luangwa River. But protecting and feeding her many babies will be no easy task! With an exciting story and beautiful illustrations, children are sure to read this book again and again. Crocodile Crossing has been reviewed by wildlife experts for accuracy and includes a poster and bonus facts about this incredible animal.

Book Features:
- Exciting story and detailed illustrations
- Poster with pictorial glossary of all animals encountered in Book
- Bonus facts about Crocodiles
- 36 pages
- Hardcover dimensions: 8 1/4 x 10 1/4 inches
- Appropriate for ages 3-7 yrs

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Crocodile Crossing - An Amazing Animal Adventures Book (with poster) by Schuyler Bull EPub

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