Tuesday 15 March 2016

PDF⋙ Landscape Restoration Handbook, Second Edition by Donald Harker

Landscape Restoration Handbook, Second Edition by Donald Harker

Landscape Restoration Handbook, Second Edition

Landscape Restoration Handbook, Second Edition by Donald Harker PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Five years after the first edition of Landscape Restoration Handbook was published, its natural landscaping and ecological restoration techniques have become standard-and successful-practice throughout the nation.

Now, the Landscape Restoration Handbook: Second Edition substantially widens the scope of the original work. Approximately 250 pages larger than the first edition, new and expanded chapters offer guidance on:
  • Development of natural landscaping and ecological restoration programs
  • Education, regional planning, and increased biological diversity
  • Ecological communities species listings
  • Scientific and common plant names associated with ecological communities
  • Nurseries that propagate and sell native plants throughout the United States
    Naturalization has proven to be a "win-win" situation all around. Monetary costs that landowners are saving on maintenance and chemicals also translates to environmental benefits for the greater community.
    Landscape and golf course architects, urban planners, horticulturists, golf course superintendents and consultants have already put the Landscape Restoration Handbook to the test. Let the Second Edition bring you up-to-date on the numerous benefits of naturalization.

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